VPN-Qube Fehlersuche

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Registriert: Sa 5. Nov 2022, 13:31

VPN-Qube Fehlersuche

#1 Beitrag von AltopX28 »

Hallo zusammen,

schön zu sehen dass es auch ein Deutsches Forum gibt.

Ich habe mir einen VPN-Qube nach folgender Anleitung erstellt: https://github.com/Qubes-Community/Cont ... li-scripts

Mein VPN Anbieter ist PerfektPrivacy

Es wurde eine TamplateVM erstellt (auf Basis von Debian11 und "Provides Network" aktiviert). In disem Qube funktioniert auch alles einwandfrei. IP und DNS des VPN werden angezeigt.

Nun zu meinem Problem. Mit einer verbundenen AppVM kann ich keine Verbindung ins Intefnet herstellen.

Ich gehe davon aus, das es an der konfigurierten AppVM liegt. Kann mir jemand helfen? Muss sie als DisposibleVM verwendet werden?


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Registriert: Mi 15. Dez 2021, 06:37

Re: VPN-Qube Fehlersuche

#2 Beitrag von TheGardner »

Ist in den meisten Fällen so, dass der Qube (quasi) den Netz-Verkehr nicht zu den angeschlossenen Arbeits-Qubes durchleitet. Ich kann hier auch nur eine Anleitung posten, die bei MullvadVPN super funktioniert. D.h. Du müsstest also an den entsprechenden Mullvad Einstellungen Deine PerfectPrivacy Einstellungen verwenden, dann sollte das evt. besser funktionieren.
Ich würde aber alternativ Deinen jetzt bestehenden VPN Qube mal aufheben, um ihn dann evt. noch nachträglich zu verändern.

Schrittfolge für die Erstellung eines VPN Qubes für MullvadVPN:

Code: Alles auswählen

WireGuard on Qubes OS


Last updated: 27 May 2022

In this guide we will set up a ProxyVM called "MullvadVPN" which will provide network to other AppVMs, using WireGuard. If you want to use OpenVPN instead then see our guide Mullvad on Qubes OS 4.
	Note: We will use Sweden (se9-wireguard) as the server in this guide. If you want to use another server then replace the configuration with that.

Create a new qube

Click on the Qubes app menu and then Create Qubes VM.

    1. Name and label: MullvadVPN.
    2. Type: Qube based on a template (AppVM).
    3. Template: fedora-34 (or later).
    4. Networking: default (sys-firewall).
    5. Advanced: Check (enable) provides network.
    6. lick on OK.

Download a WireGuard configuration

In another AppVM (not MullvadVPN) that you use for web surfing:

    1. Open a web browser and log in to our WireGuard configuration file generator.
    2. Select Linux as the platform and then click on Generate key.
    3. Select a country, a city and a server.
    4. Click on Download file.
    5. Click on the Qubes app menu and go to your current AppVM and open Files.
    6. Open the Downloads folder and right click on the downloaded WireGuard file.
    7. Select Copy To Other AppVM... and then enter MullvadVPN as the Target and click on OK.

Install WireGuard

We will install WireGuard in the Fedora-34 template so your MullvadVPN ProxyVM can use that.

    1. Click on the Qubes app menu and go to Template: fedora-34 and open the Terminal.
    2. In the Terminal run the command sudo dnf install wireguard-tools -y
    3. Shut down the VM with the command sudo shutdown -h now

Set the Networking

    1. Click on the Qubes app menu and go to System Tools > Qube Manager.
    2. Select the AppVM that you want to use with the MullvadVPN ProxyVM and click on the Stop button in the toolbar to shut it down.
    3. Right click on the same AppVM and then select Qube settings.
    4. On the Basic tab, click on the Networking drop-down list and select MullvadVPN.
    5. Click on OK.
    6. Click on the Start button in the toolbar to start the AppVM again.

Configure WireGuard

In the MullvadVPN ProxyVM:

    1. Click on the Qubes app menu and go to MullvadVPN and open the Terminal.
    2. Now you will copy the WireGuard .conf file that was copied from the other AppVM to the /home/user/ folder so it persist after reboot. First run: cd /home/user/QubesIncoming/*
    	Then run: cp mlvd*.conf /home/user
    3. Now you will edit the /rw/config/rc.local file using a text editor. First install nano:
    	sudo dnf install nano -y
    4. Then run sudo nano /rw/config/rc.local
    5. Add wg-quick up /home/user/mlvd-se9.conf (or the config file you used) on a new line.
    6. Press Ctrl+O (Enter) and then Ctrl+X to save and exit.

Make sure that WireGuard connects:

    1. Run sudo wg-quick up /home/user/mlvd-se9.conf
    2. Run curl https://am.i.mullvad.net/connected
    3. Run sudo wg and check for a handshake.

Add DNS hijacking rules

Now we will add firewall rules to redirect DNS requests to (the DNS on the VPN server) for all AppVMs that use the MullvadVPN ProxyVM.
Make sure that you have started an AppVM that has the Networking set to MullvadVPN, otherwise the "vif" IP address will not be visible.
Still in the MullvadVPN Terminal:

    1. To find out your vif* IP address, run ip a | grep -i vif
    2. Edit the firewall user file with nano:
    	sudo nano /rw/config/qubes-firewall-user-script
    3. Copy and paste the following in the bottom. Replace with your own vif* IP address:

	# replace with the IP address of your vif* interface
	iptables -F OUTPUT
	iptables -I FORWARD -o eth0 -j DROP
	iptables -I FORWARD -i eth0 -j DROP
	iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS  --clamp-mss-to-pmtu
	iptables -F PR-QBS -t nat
	iptables -A PR-QBS -t nat -d $virtualif -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to $vpndns1
	iptables -A PR-QBS -t nat -d $virtualif -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to $vpndns1

    4. Press Ctrl+O (Enter) and then Ctrl+X to save and exit.

Add qube firewall rules

In Qube Manger, select MullvadVPN then right click and select Qube settings.

Make the following changes:

    1. Ensure it is still set to use sys-firewall as "Networking".
    2. Check "Start qube automatically on boot".
    3. Click on the "Firewall rules" tab.
    4. Click on "Limit outgoing internet connections to ...".
    5. Click on "+" and enter the IP addresses of the VPN servers that you want to be able to connect to. You can find it in the WireGuard configuration file (mlvd-se9.conf) on the Endpoint line, or in our Servers list.
    6. Click on OK.

Disable ping replies

    1. Click on the Qubes app menu and open Terminal Emulator.
    2. Run qvm-firewall MullvadVPN list. Find the rule in the bottom that says "accept icmp" and note the line number.
    3. Run qvm-firewall MullvadVPN del --rule-no NUMBER. Replace NUMBER with the line number you found above.
    4. Run qvm-firewall MullvadVPN add --before NUMBER drop proto=icmp. Replace NUMBER with the line number you found above. This new rule will be added before the last "drop" line.
    5. Check it by running the list command again. The rules should be in this order: accept (the IP addresses of the VPN servers), accept dns, drop icmp, drop.

If you need to add (or remove) more firewall rules in Qube Manager for the MullvadVPN ProxyVM then you will need to edit the qvm-firewall with the steps above again.

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di 3. Jan 2023, 22:15

Re: VPN-Qube Fehlersuche

#3 Beitrag von Theseus »

Hier ein kurzer Input, falls das Thema bei dir noch aktuell sein sollte.

1. Hast du eine neue Debian "AppVM" oder "Fedora" AppVM erstellt?

2. Hast du in den Einstellungen deiner neuem "AppVM" -> Settings -> Basic den Net qube auf deine neue Debian-TemplateVM gewechselt?

3. Kannst du aus einem Terminal deiner "AppVM" dnsleaktest.com oder google.com anpingen?

